Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Around the Island Race

I took off on the 1st of July to participate in the first race of Race Week in Bayfield, WI.  Each crew goes around the Apostles and back.  Our captain prepared us for a 24 hour race but we were done in 12.  We were worried for several hours once we passed Rocky Island and were becalmed between Devil's Island and North Twin Island.  The flies were insane and the heat of the sun was intense - even though a few hours earlier is was damp and dark and cold.  When we found the wind again, I was given the Genoa jib sheet and stood on top of the companion way holding the wind and riding the waves with one hand.  That is a great feeling.

There wasn't any time to take photos during the race. One of us had a camera, he didn't respond to my emails to share the photos. Too bad.  Here are some pics of the docks before the race.